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【生活輔導組】暑期住宿名單公告及繳費方式與時程Announcement of summer accommodation list , payment and schedule





4.無學號碩一新生可於6月17日下午2點後先至各舍宿管中心辦理入住,待學號分配後再繳費,繳費方式將以e -mail 方式個別通知。



  1. 113 Summer Accommodation List, please check thefile.
  1. Please link to the first bank website https://eschool.firstbank.com.tw/member/index.aspx aft
    er 10 a.m. on June 3, 2024. Pay online or print the payment slip. The verification code is your birthday: the last two numbers of the year A.D. + month (two numbers) + date (two numbers).
    (e.x. if your birth date is May 20, 2001, your verification code is: 010520).
  2. After the payment is completed, please show the receipt to the dormitory management for verification. The payment deadline is until June.13 , 2024. Late payment will cancel the summer accommodation qualification.

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