
【生活輔導組】招募臺科大學生宿舍美編公關人員 Recruit :The method of NTUST student dormitory Resident Assistant

RecruitThe method of NTUST student dormitory Resident Assistant 

  1. 須為現住宿生,須能做完任期,須對宿舍事務具備服務熱忱者;

Applicants must be resident students and be able to fulfill full-term employment.
In addition, Applicants should be passionate about the dormitory business.


  1. 選任期間:即日起至111/3/21.

The period of the election: From now on - 03/21/2022


  1. 選任方式:


The method of the election:

Students with an intention for this position need to fill up an application form. The new dorm managers will convene the election council. (The number of new chief dorm managers and deputy dorm managers of different dormitories is 7, including 6 teachers from the office of student affairs. There are 13 positions in total) After that, they will elect the Graphic Designer and the Public relations.


  1. 共選出1~2名一同負責三棟宿舍之事務。

We will select 1~2 people to be responsible for the position.


  1. 任期: 111年4月1日起至12月31日止。預計三月中旬完成面試,錄取名單公佈後至4月1日為試用期。

Term of employment: 04/01/111 - 12/31/111


  1. 待遇:



The student will reward for 1,000~2,000 NTD a month during the term (depending on the work content of the month).


    • 活動海報、主視覺、文案的設計。
    • 精緻化宿舍內部小標語並加上示意圖。
    • 針對網路上住宿生的問題做即時回覆。
    • 製作簡易內容之宿舍規則文宣(ex:海報、貼文)。
    • 製作新生入住指引、搬/退宿流程小海報,讓住宿生容易理解所有流程。
    • 經營各宿舍ig、fb粉專,並將上述之製作內容轉發於此及各樓層群組,已達成多向宣傳之目的。
    • 做為宿舍退宿入住時之後備人力。

Duties and Responsibilities:

(1) Design of event posters, main visuals, and copywriting.

(2) Refining the interior slogans of the dormitory and adding schematic diagrams.

(3) Responding to students’ questions on the Internet in real-time.

(4) Production of easy-to-read printed literature of dormitory rules and regulations (ex: posters, online posts).

(5) Production of new students' check-in guidelines and move-in/out procedures posters to easily understand all the procedures.

(6) Operation of each dormitory Instagram, Facebook fan page, and forward the above production content in each floor group to achieve the purpose of multi-way publicity.

(7) To be the backup human resources when checking out the dormitory.


  1. 選任方式 The method of the election
    • 參選登記時間:即日起起至111年3月11日晚間8時前,需將報名電子檔(如附件)電子檔寄到 ntustdormcouncil@gmail.com
      Call for entry: From now to 8:00 p.m. 3/11/2022
      Should send the digital application forms(Attachment file) to 
    • 面試時間:111年3月將由舍長安排及通知面試時間。

Interview time: Mar./2022 The chief dorm managers will assign and notify you of the time.

111th Student  Dormitory Association 
