
【生活輔導組】臺科大學生宿舍寒假搬遷說明公告 Important Notice for Cleaning of Student Dormitory of NTUST



  1. 113-1短期(僅住1學期)住宿生及113-2學期升碩三、博六以上春季班境外生,須在114118日早上11搬離原住宿位置
  2. 下學期須搬離宿舍(無獲分配床位)的住宿生最遲務必於114年118日中午11時前將個人物品搬離寢室
  3. 113-2短期床位中籤者的住宿生請於1141月18日中午11時後將個人物品搬至新床位。(若新床位已清空,可提早搬入;建議先與原住宿生協調
  4. 搬離或調整完成者,須請宿管人員檢查床位,取得已簽名之退宿單114年1月20日下午17填妥交回學務處2號櫃檯辦理保證金退費
  5. 須暫放行李者,請清空寢室並提前將行李打包並貼上【學號、姓名、手機】,可暫放至第一宿舍B2儲藏間、第二宿舍B1地下室、第三宿舍1樓交誼廳;並請於114年2月19日中午12:00前取回,逾時未處理者扣800元保證金外,暫放物品一律以廢棄物處理,。【特別注意:請勿暫放貴重物品,校方一律不負保管責任】 


  1.  113-1學期為住宿生如有銜接113-2學期住宿(非同寢室),請於114年1月18日下午2點時搬入新床位(若新床位已清空,可提早搬入)
  2. 113-1學期住宿生、僅113-2學期申請住宿,請於114年1月20日上午9點後搬入新床位。
  3. 113-2入學之春季班本籍、外籍新生,請於114年2月10日上午9點後搬入新床位。


Important Notice for Cleaning of Student Dormitory of NTUST

Check out-

  1. According to Dormitory Regulations, the short-term(only 1 semester) residential students in the first semester of the 113 academic year and  foreign students in their third-year Master degree, the six-year doctoral degree in the second semester of the 113 academic year need to check out before 11 a.m. on January 18th, 2025.
  2. Students who need to move out next semester, should move all personal belongings out of the room; Finish cleaning up and have the List checked before 11 a.m. on January 18th, 2025. 
    ★Students who need to change the room should move and finish cleaning up and have the List checked before 11 a.m. on January 18th, 2025.
  3. Please take the Check-out List to the O.S.A. desk 2 before 5 p.m. on January 20th, to apply for your deposit.
  4. Who need somewhere to store luggage temporarily, please paste the"student number, name, mobile phone number" on the packed luggage, and move it to:
    First Dorm→B2 Storage room;
    Second Dorm→B1 Storage room ;
    Third Dorm→1F Lounge.

    Please move your luggage back before noon, February 19th. 【Note: There is no responsibility of school if your belongings get stolen. 

Check in- (Original lottery one-year boarder don't need to check out during winter vacation)

    1. 113-1 semester is resident, who is articulating to 113-2 semester boarder should move into new bed after 2 p.m on January 18th, 2025.

    2. 113-1 semester non-resident, who is only applying for 113-2 semester, should check in after 9 a.m. on January 20th, 2025.

    3. New local or foriegn  students of the spring 13-2 semester, please move into dormitory after 9 a.m. on February 10th, 2025.
