
【生活輔導組】113學年度第1學期學生宿舍床位調整辦法 Regulations of Change of Dorm Room (the First Semester of 113 School Year)


一、申請時間與地點 (when and where to apply)

  •    期間:09 / 18 ( 09 / 23 (截止
  •    時段:平日09001600 (中午12:00-13: 30除外)
  •    地點:學務處10號櫃台(一舍)11號櫃台(二、三舍)

When: 9 a.m. to noon; 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. (from Sep. 18 to 23).

Where: Counter 10 (Dorm 1) or 11 (Dorm 2. 3) at the Office of Student Affairs.

二、作業流程 (how to apply)

(一)申請流程:請於申請時間內學生證申請單至學務處辦理;委託他人辦理者,除申請表及申請人學生證外,另需檢附受委託人學生證。Within the application period, please go to the Office of Student Affairs with your student ID card and the filled-out application form. Those who apply for others need to have the application form, the applicant’s student ID card, and your student ID card.


Change your bed to an available vacant bed (ONLY in the same dormitory).


The list of available beds in Dorm 1, 2 and 3 will be posted on the website before September 13 (but it still be based on on-site information).

先登記先換First-come, first-served


Fill out the “NTUST Application Form For Change Of Dorm Room” (You can download it on the website or go to the OSA to get one.)


Two students exchange their beds (ONLY in the same dormitory).


Fill out the “NTUST Application Form For Change Of Dorm Room” (You can download the attachment or go to the OSA to get one.)


三、注意事項 (what to pay attention to)

(一)申請調整床位前 (you should know before apply)

  1. 限制:為方便住宿區域管理,床位調整皆限制【相同住宿區,包含:宿舍(第一、二、三舍)性別學制(春、秋季班)國籍(本地、境外)】之學生,條件相同者才可調整

Restrictions: To facilitate the management of the accommodation area, all the bed adjustments are restricted by the same accommodation area, including: Dormitory, Gender, Class (spring or autumn class) and Nationality (local or overseas). Only those with the same conditions students could apply for the bed adjustment.

  1. 網頁公告之空床位無法保留,如欲調整之新空床位,請於開放時間來學務處登記,所有空床位以學務處實際現場登記狀況為主

Vacant beds announced on this website cannot be reserved. If you would like to adjust to a new empty bed, please come to the O.S.A. to register during the opening hours. All available beds are subject to the actual on-site registration status of the O.S.A..

  1. 每學期每人限申請調整一次完成申請後不得再次調整;如欲取消調整,請於搬遷截止時間前(2日內)至學生事務處611號櫃台辦理,以確保個人權益。Each student can only apply for adjustment once per semester. If you want to cancel the application, please go to counter 6 & 11 at the OSA to protect your right and interests within 2 days.
  1. 非調整期間不可更換或調整。

It cannot be replaced or adjusted during non-adjustment period.

(二)申請調整床位後 (you should know after apply)

    1. 申請核准後,最遲須於申請調整之2日內(含當日)完成搬遷Once your application is given the green light, your original bed will be available for others. Please move in two days after your application.

    1. 搬遷完成後會同宿舍管理員完成寢室清潔與設備檢查(雙人互換床位不用檢查寢室)After you move into your new room, please ask the dorm management staff to examine the cleaning of and equipment in the room. (Except for exchange of bed: Two students living in the dorm exchange their beds.)



Q1. What information do I need to bring to change to an empty bed or to exchange beds?


A1:To complete the application, bring a paper application form (refer to the attached file) and your student ID card to the O.S.A.!


Q2. How do I know the location of vacant beds?


A2:The list of available beds in Dorm 1, 2 and 3 will be posted on this website during the second week of the academic year(but it still be based on on-site information).
