※ 獲分配房型名單:請詳閱並核對下方附件Excel檔中學號、身份、獲分配房型等資訊(檔案內包含男生、女生等 2 張工作表;請同學記得切換工作表)Please check your dorm room type with the attachment below.
※ 放棄住宿:正取者若欲放棄住宿資格,請盡速於 5/15(三) 前以電子郵件聯繫沈小姐(Mail:kiki@mail.ntust.edu.tw)提出放棄(信件主旨:【放棄住宿資格】;信件內容須包含:中籤序號、學號、姓名、手機等資訊,以便聯繫確認;如於 5/15(三) 後申請床位將限制一年內不得申請住宿(含優先登記、抽籤、短期申請)。
※ Abandons the accommodation: If you would like abandon your accommodation, please Email Ms. Shen (Mail: kiki@mail.ntust.edu.tw) as soon as possible and email these email before May 15, 2024.
(subject of the letter: "Abandons the accommodation" and include: the serial number of the successful applicant, the student number, the name, the cell phone, etc.; If the applies Abandonment the Accommodation after May 15,2024, the application will be restricted to one year (including priority registration, lottery, and short-term application).
※ 組隊同住與寧靜寢室申請 Apply for Requesting Dorm Roommate & Quiet Dorm Room:
Eligibility: Students who have been admitted to the first dormitory and get lottery (including 60 beds for 3rd dormitory) in the 113th academic year, including going be Master's 2 registration, sophomore to senior lottery, and 60 girls in the third dormitory.
貳、申請期間:申請人(請由一名代表於學生宿舍系統登記線上登記並輸入其他同房型之個人代碼),並於5月14日 (二) 10:00 至 5月21日 (二) 17:00前於學生宿舍系統進行登記,逾期不再受理!
Application Period: Applicants (please login here and enter the personal codes who gets same room type) should register in the student Dorm system from 10:00 a.m. May 14 10:00 to May 21 (Tue) 17:00, Applications filed beyond the aforesaid time limit shall not be accepted.
參、如何申請 How to Request a Roommate or Quiet Dorm Room :
▶組隊同住: 學生宿舍系統 https://sa.ntust.edu.tw/Dorm/ 。(與學籍系統同帳號密碼;步驟說明: 請先登入-> 申請 -> 室友登記-> 輸入自己+其他室友個人授權碼與學號 )
▶Request a Roommate: Student dormitory system https://sa.ntust.edu.tw/Dorm/。 (Same as Academic Information Systems Portal;: Login in -> application -> Roommate application Registration for roommates-> enter all roommates student Id & Authorization code )
▶寧靜寢室Quiet Dorm Room : Google 表單 https://forms.gle/5RwoL1behEJf5ZrF8。
※注意事項Precautions for Requesting Dorm Roommates:
一、組隊室友皆須為相同性別且獲分配相同宿舍別及房型。All of the requested roommates should be not only same gender but also at the same dorm room type.
二、組隊時需剛好找滿房型人數,意即:二人房必須找滿2位室友、四人房必須找滿4位室友、六人房必須找滿6位室友;室友人數超過或不足者皆不得申請。It is necessary for students to find exactly the number of roommates, those with more or less roommates are not allowed to apply.
三、未申請組隊同住者,將由系統分配床位(原則上將依照性別、國籍、學號等欄位依序分配)。Students who have not requested roommates will be allocated beds by the system (according to their gender, department, student number, etc.).
肆、申請寧靜寢室注意事項Precautions for applying Quiet Dorm Room:
一、欲申請者請先詳閱本校寧靜寢室住宿生活公約(公告連結:https://student.ntust.edu.tw/p/406-1053-89841,r1436.php?Lang=zh-tw),申請即視同您已熟知並願意遵守相關規定。Please read the Quiet Dorm Room Living Convention (https://student.ntust.edu.tw/p/406-1053-89841,r1436.php?Lang=zh-tw) before you apply.
二、寧靜寢室僅提供個人申請,如已組隊者請勿填寫表單。 Quiet Dorm Room is only for personal, please don't apply that if you would like request Dorm Roommates.
三、未申請寧靜寢室者,將由系統分配至一般寢室(原則上將依照性別、國籍、學號等欄位依序分配),各寢室內室友可自行協議生活公約。Students who don't apply for the "Quiet Dorm Room" will be allocated beds by the system to a normal room(according to their gender, nationality, student number, etc.).
一、各項作業流程因故延宕或變更時,學務處有權修訂或補充公告,相關變更將於學生事務處網頁/最新消息公告說明。Updates regarding the dormitory will be posted on the website of the Office of Student Affairs.
二、如有任何問題請洽詢學生事務處 10 號櫃檯承辦人沈小姐。If you have any questions, please find Ms.Kiki at counter 10 of the Office of Student Affairs. Phone:(02)2737-6315 /Email:kiki@mail.ntust.edu.tw