








二、本國籍住宿生:暑期需住宿者【非112-2原住宿生(特殊事由申請者)請填申請表,勿登記google表單 】請依下列網址 https://forms.gle/MVm7ha5bxV36cBh3A登記。


三、特殊事由申請者:112-2未住宿(如本校碩士班新生因實驗需要申請暑假住宿者,或113學年宿舍抽籤正取者因租約到期等原因),須向學務處生輔組11號櫃台提出申請(需檢附申請表如附檔、及掃描申請表中QR code並完成填寫)。



   網路開放時間 即日起至113年5月20日1000時止。





Regulation for "Not" to stay in Dormitory  During the Summer Vacation of 2024

  1. The regulation is based on the School Dormitory Management Rules of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
  2. Summer accommodation period: Form 2:00 pm on June 17th to 11:00am on August 19th.
  3. Qualifications for application:
  1. Those who stay in the dormitory this semester.
  2. If you graduate before 6/10 ,you can't apply the dorm for summer.
  1. Regulations for application:
  1. International students: If you don’t stay in the dormitory during the summer vacation, please register online at https://forms.gle/whzJMLVTbhhEYmbe6 and move out before 11a.m., June 17, 2024. Your deposit will NOT be returned if you fail to clean your dorm room or delay to move. What you leave behind will be disposed of. If you don’t register online, it means that you agree to stay in the dormitory during the summer vacation.
  2. Considering that stay at the dormitory lasts only two months, the fee is NOT refundable. Regarding public health and other factors, the school has the right to change your dormitory room. For example, students can be asked to move to another room in another floor. 
  1. Period of application: The don’t stay online registration is available from now on to 5 p.m.  May 20, 2024.
  2. Payment and check in : Please visit https://eschool.firstbank.com.tw/member/index.aspx to either pay online or print out the payment slip to pay for your stay at the dormitory. Payment should be made after June 3, and before June 13. After payment is completed, please bring the receipt (or file) to the dorm management of each dorm for verification. If payment is late, your application will be cancelled and limit the eligibility to apply for the next semester.
  3. If you need further assistance, please turn to Mrs. Shang at the 11 counter in the Office of Student Affairs.

Contact information: 02-27376319 (phone); chunchi@mail.ntust.edu.tw (email)
