
【生活輔導組】113學年度學生宿舍特殊個案及身心障礙申請宿舍要點 113th Academic Year Application Guidelines for Student Dorm to Students in Special Situations, or Those Physically and Mentally Challenged.

壹、依據 Basis


This course is based on Article 6 of the NTUST Student Dormitory Management Regulations.

貳、目的 Purpose


This guideline of applying for NTUST student dorm aims to assist and take care of students in special situations, such as those who are physically weak, or have mobility problems due to chronic illnesses, and also those who suffer from family emergencies or financial difficulties. This guideline is expected to encourage students to focus on their studies and complete it successfully.


Students in special situations that follow this guideline to apply for NTUST student dorm will be examined and approved by the Dorm Management Committee.

肆、受理申請對象 Applicants


Students in need of assistance to keep studying, including those who are physically weak or suffer from mobility problems due to chronic illnesses, and also those who are enduring family emergencies or financial difficulties.


Duration of accommodationStudents who follow this guideline to apply for Student Dorm is allowed to stay for one academic year.


Bed AllocationFor those who pass the examination, the priority ranking will be based on individual situation. There are 24 beds for male and female present students, while 6 beds for male and female incoming students.

柒、申請限制 Application limits


Those who have been kicked out from the dorm, been cancelled the accommodation rights as punishment in accordance to the Dorm Regulations, or have applied for check-out procedure within one year, are not allowed to apply for the student dorm by this guideline.


Students who postpone graduation are not allowed to apply for the student dorm by this guideline.


Students who need to apply for accommodation for the 113th academic year and have a new type of physical or mental disability certificate for categories 2, 3, and 7, DO NOT need to apply for SPECIAL CASES. Please submit your physical or mental disability certificate to the Counter 11 of the Office of Student Affairs from now on until 4:00 p.m. on April 29, 2024.


If an applicant has already participated the draw for dorm accommodation, and has obtained the accommodation right, please inform the Counter 11 of the Office of Student Affairs immediately to cancel the application by this guideline, if you are still on the waiting list for the lottery on July 31, you must give up your qualifications on the waiting list.



Those who meet one of the following conditions, are allowed to apply for student dorm in accordance to this guideline.


Those who suffer from chronic illnesses that cause physical weakness or mobility problems.


Those who are enduring family emergencies and cannot afford tuition.


Those whose family are in financial difficulties.


Those who are in other special situations.

玖、申請應檢附文件:Document for application


Application form for SPECIAL CASE accommodation. (with electronic file)


Photocopies of all household registration transcripts within the last three months.


Parental Property and Income Certification in the past year. (Please apply it from the Ministry of Finance)


Other documents, such as proof of low income, proof of hospital diagnosis, and so forth.

壹拾、申請方式:Application method


After the application form has been approved by the instructor and department chairperson, the original application form, together with relevant documents, must be submitted to the Counter 11 of the Office of Students Affairs before the deadline of application.


If the information provided is concealed or inaccurate, the Office of Student Affairs have the right to cancel the approved accommodation status. In this case, the applicant is not allowed to apply for the student dorm by this guideline again in the future.

壹拾壹、申請時間:Application period

  • 舊生請於113年4月22日1600時前將申請表電子檔寄送至承辦人、正本送至生輔組,預計5月上旬召開審查會議後,5月下旬公告住宿名單。

Present students should send the electronic application form to the case officer and the original hard copy to the Guidance and Counseling Section before 4 p.m. on April 22, 2024. The accommodation list is expected to be announced after the review meeting in end of May.

  • 新生收件時間於113年7月中旬另行公告。

Intake for incoming students’ application will be announced in mid-July, 2024.
