
【學生活動組】第49週年校慶運動會暨園遊會Taiwan Tech’s 49th Anniversary


→活動當日:3/23(六) 上午7點50分至網球場集合,08點20分正式開始相關流程及進場順序(如附件1)







Tiger Duck 見面會:可愛又迷人的吉祥物即將出現,歡迎大家來拍照留念。





Taiwan Tech’s 49th Anniversary

● Sports and Creative Parade Competition:

→ D-day: On Saturday, March 23, we will assemble on the tennis court at 7:50 a.m. and will officially start at 8:20 a.m.

* For the sequence of entry, please download the information from the website of the Student Affairs Office/Latest News.

* In case of rain, the announcement would be made to move to the 1st floor of T4 at 7.50 a.m. on the day


● Activities:

Location: Grassland behind the Administration Building

→Time: March 23, 2024(Sat.)10:00~16:00

→ Student Club Performances: Enjoy different music styles, stunning magic shows and passionate fire dance performances.

→Tiger Duck Meet and Greet: It’s rare opportunity to take pictures with them.

→Air cushions: Exciting and fun facilities are waiting for you to try. (Cancelled in case of rain)

→ Lucky Draw Events: Join to the Lucky Draw, there are many great and special prizes for you. Perhaps the next prizewinner is you!
