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【生活輔導組】臺灣科大 111-2 學期學生宿舍短期床位遞補序號抽籤名單公告 NTUST 111 School Year (spring semester): Dorm Waiting List of Short-time Stay Lottery Results



1. 附檔內含男女兩頁工作表(女生請記得點選第二頁工作表),附檔資訊含抽籤序號、遞補狀態(正、備取),請同學務必謹慎閱讀;如公告後欲放棄者最遲須於 7 日內寄信給宿舍承辦人員,否則以退宿處理,一年內不得再申請宿舍

2. 本次公告後如有正取生放棄,將依照抽籤序號依序通知備取者遞補,請備取同學留心電子信箱及手機務必保持暢通。

3. 注意:本次公告時已敘明,短期床位皆為境外生未報到釋出空床,參加抽籤者視同可接受與境外生同住,同學對分配床位室友國籍不得有異議,亦不開放調整床位

4. 床位查詢:1月10日後正取者查詢房號床號請至學生宿舍系統查詢:https://sa.ntust.edu.tw/Dorm/

You can log in to check your Room & Bed number after the 9th of January on the School Dorm System: https://sa.ntust.edu.tw/Dorm/

 5. 繳交宿費:

請於 1/10()上午 10:00 起至 1/18 ()前繳費,並持繳費收據至各宿舍1樓管理中心於入住前完成驗證!繳費請至第一銀行系統學生繳費首頁:https://eschool.firstbank.com.tw/member/index.aspx,身分驗證碼為您的生日(共6碼):西元年份末2碼+月份2碼+日期2碼(Ex:生日為2001520日者,身分驗證碼請輸入:010520


You MUST pay for the dorm fee from 10:00 A.M.,January 10th, and before January 18th, please link: https://eschool.firstbank.com.tw/member/index.aspx
The verification code is your birthday: the last two numbers of the year A.D. + month (two numbers) + date (two numbers).(e.x. if your birth date is May 20, 2001, your verification code is: 010520).After the payment is completed, please go to the dorm management at the 1st floor to check the receipt when you check-in.

6. 住宿期間 Period to Stay at Dorm

112 年 6 月底退宿流程及相關注意事項另行公告。

From January 31st, 2023 to the end of June, 2023
(The check-out process will be announced separately then.)


 7. 如有任何問題請洽詢學生事務處 11號櫃檯承辦人尚小姐。
If you have any questions, please find Ms. Shang at counter 11 at the Office of Student Affairs.

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