【學務處衛保組】居家環境消毒防疫方法 Home environment disinfection method



Home environment disinfection method




  1. 75%濃度的酒精
  2. 用1:50(當天泡製,以1份漂白水加49份的冷 水)的稀釋漂白水/次氯酸鈉(1000ppm)


  1. 戴好口罩、橡膠手套與防水圍裙。
  2. 打開門窗,在通風良好處配製消毒水。
  3. 使用稀釋過的漂白水擦拭物品。
  4. 留置時間建議1~2分鐘,再以清水擦拭一遍。


  1. 開窗:保持室內通風,每次不少於30分鐘,病毒濃度減少較不易感染。
  2. 門把、電燈開關:使用酒精擦拭。
  3. 桌面、地面:以含氯清潔劑大範圍擦拭。
  4. 馬桶、浴室:以含氯清潔劑大範圍清洗擦拭。
  5. 小型玩具:以含氯清潔劑大範圍擦拭。
  6. 抹布、毛巾:用滾水煮30分鐘。
  7. 餐具:用滾水煮30分鐘。


  1. 調配後未使用的消毒液在24小時後要記得丟棄!
  2. 消毒劑有一定的副作用,會刺激黏膜、呼吸道和皮膚,不是濃度越高越有效!使用前請記得詳閱使用說明書,並照指示稀釋需要的用量。


I. Choose the right disinfectant

  1. 75% alcohol.
  2. Bleahing liquid: It is recommended to choose bleach water and add cold water 1:50.

II. Disinfection supplies and protection methods

  1. Wear a mask, rubber gloves and waterproof apron.
  2. Open doors and windows, and prepare disinfectant in a well-ventilated place.
  3. Wipe items with 75% alcohol.
  4. It is recommended to leave it for 1 to 2 minutes, and then wipe it with clean water again.

III. Home environment disinfection range

  1. Open the window: Keep the room ventilated for no less than 30 minutes each time.
  2. Doorknobs, light switches: wipe with 75% alcohol.
  3. Desktop, floor: Wipe a large area with 75% alcohol.
  4. Toilet and bathroom: Clean and wipe with 75% alcohol in a wide range.
  5. Small toys: Wipe extensively with 75% alcohol.
  6. Rags, towels: Boil in boiling water for 30 minutes.
  7. Tableware: Boil in boiling water for 30 minutes.

IV. Others

  1. Remember to discard the unused disinfectant after mixing for 24 hours!
  2. Disinfectants have certain side effects, which can irritate mucous membranes, respiratory tract and skin. Not that the higher the concentration, the better the effect! Please remember to read the instruction manual carefully before use, and dilute the required amount according to the instructions