【生活輔導組】113-2 學期學生宿舍短期床位遞補序號抽籤名單公告 NTUST 113 School Year (spring semester): Dorm Waiting List of Short-time Stay Lottery Results



1. 附檔內含男女兩頁工作表(女生請記得點選第二頁工作表),附檔資訊含抽籤序號、遞補狀態(正取、備取),請同學務必謹慎閱讀;如公告後欲放棄者最遲須於 5 日內寄信給宿舍承辦人員,否則以退宿處理,一年內不得再申請宿舍

The attached file contains two pages of worksheets for men and women (please remember to click on the second page of the worksheet for female students), and the attached information includes the lottery number and the replacement status (active and standby), so please read it carefully.  If you want to give up the dorm after the announcement, you must send a letter to the dorm manager within 5 days at the latest, otherwise you will be treated as a withdrawal and will not be allowed to apply for the dorm again within one year.

2. 本次公告後如有正取生放棄,將依照抽籤序號依序通知備取者遞補,請備取同學留心電子信箱及手機務必保持暢通。

3. 注意:本次公告時已敘明,短期床位皆為境外生未報到釋出空床,參加抽籤者視同可接受與境外生同住,同學對分配床位室友國籍不得有異議,無特殊原因不開放調整床位

Short-term accommodation is not open for bed adjustment.

4. 床位查詢:

113年12月18日後正取者將陸續收到錄取信件通知 ,可確認錄取事宜。

After December 18,2024 successful applicants will be notified by letter of acceptance.

 5. 繳交宿費:


The fees are paid jointly with 113-2 semester tuition.

6. 住宿期間 Period to Stay at Dorm

(1) 113-1學期為住宿生如有銜接113-2學期住宿(非同寢室),請於114年1月18日下午2點時搬入新床位(若新床位已清空,可提早搬入)。

(2) 113-1學期非住宿生、僅113-2學期申請住宿,請於114年1月20日上午9點後搬入新床位。

(3) 113-2入學之春季班本籍、外籍新生,請於114年2月10日上午9點後搬入新床位。
(4)114 年 1 月退宿流程及相關注意事項另行公告。

Check in- (Original lottery one-year boarder don't need to check out during winter vacation)

    1. 113-1 semester is resident, who is articulating to 113-2 semester boarder should move into new bed after 2 p.m on January 18th, 2025.

    2. 113-1 semester non-resident, who is only applying for 113-2 semester, should check in after 9 a.m. on January 20th, 2025.

    3. New local or foriegn  students of the spring 13-2 semester, please move into dormitory after 9 a.m. on February 10th, 2025.

 7. 如有任何問題請洽詢學生事務處 11號櫃檯承辦人尚小姐。
If you have any questions, please find Ms. Shang at counter 11 at the Office of Student Affairs.