【生活輔導組】113-2 學期 學生宿舍短期床位遞補序號抽籤辦法(含本國碩一新生春季班抽籤)113 School Year (spring semester): Regulations for the Dorm Waiting List of Short-time Stay


  1. 1142月提前入學之碩一新生亦可參加,尚未分配學號者,填寫資料時學號欄位請填:【M113 (新生)】。
  2. 限制113 學年度第 2 學期已獲分配宿舍床位曾遭退宿處分者不得申請本次短期床位遞補序號抽籤(若仍登記抽籤者經查將取消資格,不得異議!)


113 學年度第 2 學期 1 學期短期床位;

114 2 3 10:00 後可入住至 114 6 (退宿時間屆時另行公告)。






  1. 本次釋出床位須等待 113 學年度第 2 學期春季班學生(本國碩二與外籍學生)報到情形,若報到人數不足時,將依本次抽籤遞補序號優先通知遞補。
  2. 申請期間:即日起至113 12 16 () 10:00 完成申請,網址:https://forms.gle/7rU1BvdYuvvHa6XK7逾期將無法參加抽籤,直接依登記時間遞補在抽籤名單後!
  3. 預計 113 12 17() 下午 18:00 於學生事務處/生輔組/宿舍申請(網址:https://student.ntust.edu.tw/p/412-1053-8395.php?Lang=zh-tw)網頁,公布抽籤序號;後續一有空床位釋出,將按照此抽籤遞補序號通知遞補(將以電子郵件通知錄取者並說明繳費及住宿相關注意事項)。
  1. 113 學年度第 1 學期(113-1)短期遞補住宿同學若於本次(113-2)中籤,寢室與床位會有異動情形,同學不得異議,並依規定於114118()下午2點前,完成搬遷至新床位;若本學期清舍 (114118日中午11) 前,未接獲錄取通知,仍需搬離宿舍
  1. 若您本次抽籤身分別為 113 學年度第 2 學期(即 114 2 月)提前入學之碩一新生,於下一個學期(114學年度第 1 學期)若仍有住宿需求,可參加預計將於 114 7 月份辦理之碩一新生抽籤作業,屆時請關注學務處網站公告。
  2. 各項作業流程因故延宕時,將公告於學生事務處/生輔組/宿舍申請(網址:https://student.ntust.edu.tw/p/412-1053-8395.php?Lang=zh-tw)
  3. 如有任何問題請洽詢學生事務處 11 號櫃檯尚小姐

Emailchunchi@mail.ntust.edu.tw 電話:(02)2737-6319

NTUST 113 School Year (spring semester):

Regulations for the Dorm Waiting List of Short-time Stay

A. Qualification:

* All degree students  except for who have been assigned a bed or have been expelled from dorm in the spring semester of the 113 school year (February, 2025).(If the restricted students still register, the data will  be deleted from the system.)

B. Period to Stay at Dorm:

     The spring semester of the 113 school year (Feb. 2025 to Jun. 2025; only one semester)

C. Room Type(You can choose when you apply):

     Male: Six-people room at Dorm 1(public bathroom only) or Dorm 2(public bathroom only);

     Female: Six-people room at Dorm 1(public bathroom only) or Dorm 3(in-room bathroom)

D. Application Process:

  1. The vacancies available are reserved for students in the spring semester of the 113 school year (i.e., domestic graduate students in their second year and foreign students). If those students don’t matriculate as expected or those who are supposed to stay at dorm in the spring semester of the 113 school year don’t check in, their vacancies will be released for the spring semester of the 113 school year. The waiting list decided by lot-drawing this time sets the priority for who can get the vacancies.
  2. Application period: Please register online at:

https://forms.gle/pgzYiAwBAzyLHzxQ7 before 10:00(A.M), December 16th, 2024 (Mon.).

  1. The waiting list is to be announced in “What’s New” on the Office of Student Affairs website(linkhttps://student.ntust.edu.tw/p/412-1053-8395.php?Lang=zh-tw ) December 17th, 2024 (Thu.).
  2. If you are assigned a bed in the spring semester of the 113 school year, your new room and bed may be different from what you get in the fall semester, and there is no room for negotiation. Before the dormitory cleaning date this semester (January 18, 2024 at 11:00 noon), you still need to move out of the dormitory if you do not receive an admission notice.
  3. If there is any delay in the application process, it will be announced in “What’s New” on the Office of Student Affairs website

(linkhttps://student.ntust.edu.tw/p/412-1053-8395.php?Lang=zh-tw ).

If you have any questions, please find Ms. Shang at counter 11 of the Office of Student Affairs. Emailchunchi@mail.ntust.edu.tw / Phone(02)2737-6319