【生活輔導組】112學年度【暑期】住宿保證金退費說明事項Important Notice for the Dormitory Margin Refund【summer vacation】 of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (2024)

一、請同學先行將本人郵局帳號登錄於學生資訊系統,112學年度暑期住宿保證金預計於113年9月30日前匯入同學帳戶,若同學退宿檢查部分項目不合格,將會依不合格項 目扣住宿保證金部分金額。



Important Notice for the Dormitory Margin Refund【summer vacation】 of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (2024)

  1. Please have your post office account registered in the Student Information System beforehand. The margin refund will be return to you before September 30st, 2024. However, money will be charged from your margin if you did not meet the qualification of the Check-out List.  
  2. If you do not have a post office account, please bring the printed- copy of your bank passbook cover and the certificate of your payment to the #2 desk of the Office of Students Affairs to ask for the payment receipt before August 19th, 2024.
  3. Please check for your margin refund after October 1th, 2024. Feel free to contact Mr. Chu at 02-27376313 or by email chujui@mail.ntust.edu.tw if you haven’t received your margin refund.