【生活輔導組】112年餐廳滿意度評分調查活動中獎名單 The voucher winners of 2022 Canteen Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire



陸生:繳交20%現金、學生證、大陸居民往來台灣通行證或出入境許可證影本 僑生/外籍生:繳交20%現金、學生證、居留證(ARC)影本

Congratulations to the following winners.

Please bring your student ID card and ARC to the Student Affairs Office to receive the gift voucher during 1/30,2024 If the person who is non-resident of the Republic of China, regardless of the amount of the winner, the tax will be withheld for the winning income.

The rate of “Income from Contests and Games and from Prizes and Awards Won by Chance” is 20%. If the winner refuses to pay the tax, the winner is deemed to have given up the prize.