【生活輔導組】防範詐騙要注意!!!---網路拍賣詐欺 Anti-fraud Guidance-- Online shopping defrauding

網路拍賣詐欺 Online shopping defrauding
1. 民眾應注意網路上不實資訊,網路購物本身就具有一定的風險,除了無法了解賣家的背景,亦無法保證可以如實拿到商品,建議民眾注意網路購物安全性問題,而低於市價通常是假賣家吸引被害人的常見手段,切勿貪圖便宜反而損失慘重。
People should be careful about receiving deceptive information. Online shopping is risky and non-transparent. Customers are not ensured to get the product; therefore, people should understand the shopping safety. In addition, the prices which are much lower than market value are usually set by deceptive sellers. Please do not covet a little and lose a lot.
2. 貨品低於市價或是十分搶手的商品,通常要求匯款、郵寄、不面交,建議貨到付款且可驗貨,不滿意可以退貨。
Products whose prices are lower than market value are popular; therefore, customers usually need to remit money to buy them and do not make a transaction in person. The products are sent by post and can be inspected. If you are not satisfied with the products, they can be rejected.
3. 網路購物容易發生買到瑕疵品且無法退貨等糾紛。
When doing online shopping, it is frequent to buy flaw products which can’t be rejected.
其他應注意事項 Other Announcements
1. 110為緊急報案專線,會在極短時間內協助民眾處理各類案件。
110 is police hotline. The police will assist people to deal with various cases as soon as possible.
2. 165是處理民眾詐騙案件的好夥伴,現有6大電信業者客服與內政部警政署共同服務社會大眾,如屬諮詢檢舉部分撥打165按「1」將由電信客服接聽,如要報案請按「2」則由內政部警政署處理,迅速完成詐騙電話停話及啟動警示帳戶聯防機制攔阻受騙款項。
165 is anti-fraud hotline. Six mobile companies’ customer services and Ministry of the Interior cooperate with one other to offer services for the public. If you dial 165 and “1”, you can report and ask for consultation. If you dial “2”, you can report to the police and prevent defrauding in short time.
3. 165全民防騙超連結(www.165.gov.tw)官方網站提供最新反詐騙資訊,亦可受理民眾網路檢舉及報案,報案案件將由專人與您聯絡。
165 anti-fraud website(www.165.gov.tw) offers the latest anti-fraud information, and deal with people’s report. You will be served by designated person for these report cases.
4. 加入LINE的165官方帳號,將可收到每周最新反詐騙資訊。
Join 165 on LINE’s Official Accounts (Corporate). You can get the latest anti-fraud information.